No music code sonic rivals 2
No music code sonic rivals 2

Guess you're looking for Eggman too, huh? Silver: I said move aside! Sonic: Ha. Silver: Move aside, Sonic! Sonic: Hey, Silver! Long time, no see. That must mean there's others around here. Act 3 Silver: They say that Chao live in packs. Espio: You'll have to get through me first. Tails: What are you talking about, Espio? Espio: I can't tell you anything, but I will stop you if you interfere. I think it's better that you two don't get involved. I'd better follow him! Act 2 Tails: Hey! It looks like Sonic might be in trouble. See ya! Espio: Hey, wait! I still have some more questions. do you have any leads? Tails: Sorry Espio, I can't tell you anything. Is something wrong? Tails: What-what are you doing here, Espio? Sonic and I are following Eggman, trying to figure out what's up with the Chao disappearances. You look like you're searching for something. Act 1 Tails: I have a strange feeling like someone's following me. Looks like Silver's following Sonic, so I'd better watch Tails. I wonder if those two have any idea what they've just uncovered. I wonder if this has anything to do with the Chao. What are Sonic and Tails doing here? Tails: Look, Sonic! Eggman dropped something. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, but he must have some connection to the Chao incident. Hey! There's a Chao! Come here little fella. Silver: Okay, Espio, where did you go? Well, fine. Eggman Nega: Well, since you're all here, my little contraption will chew you up and then have seconds! Hee hee hee hee! Sunset Forest Zone Intro Espio: I might have failed before, but this time, I'm going to make sure he doesn't see me. Shadow: Eggman Nega.? So, you must be the one behind all this! Silver: Step aside, Shadow! He's mine! Dr. Eggman Nega: Ah, Silver, very perceptive! Nothing gets by you, I see. Eggman Nega: Hoh ho ho ho! Look at what we have here! I do love entertaining guests. you know my name, do you? Just who are you, anyway? Espio: My name is Espio. I don't think so! Boss Espio: Ah! S-Silver! Silver: So. Why are you here and what're you up to? Silver: Ha! Don't worry. Shadow! What do you want with me? Shadow: I'll ask the questions. How does that sound? Metal Sonic: Changing Mission. Okay, how about this? Let's have a good, honest race instead. you're not going to let me get away that easily then. Pursue Target! Act 2 Metal Sonic: Target Pursuit Complete. I need to find Silver! Metal Sonic: Target Escaping. does that mean Eggman is involved with this, too? I don't have time to waste dealing with you. Silver: Hey, chameleon! Wait up! Shadow: Metal Sonic, go after Espio.

no music code sonic rivals 2

Espio: You're seriously mistaken! Be gone. Silver: You know where they are, don't you? Espio: Well, I mean, I. Silver: Hey, chameleon! Have you seen any Chao around here? Vector (transmission): Yikes! Espio: Ch. I'll go undercover and see if I can tail him. You've got to find some! Espio: Leave it to me.

no music code sonic rivals 2

It must be him! I want you to follow him and gather evidence. This is a script of the cutscenes from Espio's storyline in Sonic Rivals 2.īlue Coast Zone Intro Vector (transmission): Espio, do you read me? Ever since that hedgehog Silver showed up, Chao have been disappearing.

No music code sonic rivals 2