Cavalry not engaging scourge of war waterloo
Cavalry not engaging scourge of war waterloo

cavalry not engaging scourge of war waterloo
  1. Cavalry not engaging scourge of war waterloo movie#
  2. Cavalry not engaging scourge of war waterloo plus#
  3. Cavalry not engaging scourge of war waterloo series#

Let's get down to business, so I can get to some solo-gaming with Black Powder.Īnother look. Know what else? After painting hundreds of infantry, artillery, cavalry, and leaders myself, I'm over any negative vibes I had about using figures painted by someone else. And you know what I figured out? Using all those forces would probably be a great idea. So, as I was going upstairs to fight my various battles, invariably I'd end up looking in the closet at all the LPA forces I had just sitting there. And, though I've already sunk in what, to me, is a considerable amount of money, to do them the way I want to, I need to quadruple the amount of my hard-earned income that needs to go to a certain figure manufacturer in order to complete the project. Man, these things are a bastard to paint! I'm proud of my work, but I don't know if I'll ever finish painting and basing them. I started painting and basing, then I'd get another set of rules and change the basing (and adjust how much more I needed to buy), on and on and on, until I figured out something. To add insult to injury, instead of sticking with my tried and true 10mm, I went and spend a bunch of money on 6mm. I dunno, what's the right word/phrase for it? Self-conscious? I really felt strange using figures someone else had painted, they didn't feel like they were 'mine.' So, I went out and bought some more Napoleonics. Compounding this problem is the fact (you'll think this is hilarious) that, for a little bit, I actually got. Then I started a blog and really delved into solo-gaming, and just didn't make time for it. Then I bought Black Powder and thought, wow! this could be it. Tried some IGO-UGO style, some Blitzkrieg Commander style (I'm referring to the activation mechanism), some DBA style, some and probably a few others that I've forgotten, but nothing really stuck and the toys went on the shelf.īut I didn't lose my desire to game Napoleonics, and so I ended up buying several sets I was impressed with (LaSalle, Napoleon at War, Songs of Drums and Shakos Large Battles, Picquet), but none of them really 'struck' me.

Cavalry not engaging scourge of war waterloo series#

We then moved through a series of varying rules, mostly home-made (yes, I was new to the era, and already making my own rules, such is my conceit!), but nothing stuck. Before his passing, my father and I played quite a few games using the LPA rules they are clear, concise, well illustrated with examples, but just not our style (sorry Gunner!). The LPA system comes with its own set of rules, for which the forces are based. And if you're like me and had a couple periods you were gaming, then got bit by the Napoleonic bug, this is a great way to start I highly encourage you to visit, if just to take a look around. I had all sorts of "what is that, what does that do, why would anyone do that?" and Gunner patiently walked me through it. I really can't say enough about Gunner and his system. Really a great guy with a great concept that allowed me to hop right in and get down to the business of Napoleonic gaming.

cavalry not engaging scourge of war waterloo

Cavalry not engaging scourge of war waterloo plus#

Well, this is where Gunner came to my rescue after much discussion with him, I ended up buying two complete sets of his LPA system, plus various extra armies, special units, officers, and artillery.

cavalry not engaging scourge of war waterloo

But I knew enough to know I wanted to partake of Napoleonic warfare (these days it seems the era/class/genre of warfare I won't game is getting smaller and smaller).

Cavalry not engaging scourge of war waterloo movie#

I knew absolutely nothing of Napoleonic warfare outside of having seen the movie "Waterloo" (don't know much more now, I suppose). I say roughly because the figures are made of plastic and come not from a traditional wargames miniatures manufacturer, but from a special edition of the boardgame "Risk." I'm sure the more discerning, formal wargamers amongst you may be snickering right about now, but this was a God-send for me. I purchased them from a gentlemen known as "Gunner," who sells the system "La Petite Armee" in roughly 10mm. I must say, somewhat sheepishly, that I DID NOT paint these figures. However, I also needed to flock each army, but this weekend I only finished one army, the French, and the pics below are the results of my efforts. I spent roughly 13 hours this weekend pulling little men off there bases, arranging them into new units, and gluing them onto new bases. This weekend I should have been gaming, but instead I was stricken by the scourge that sinks its tentacles into so many of us wargamers: rebasing figures. (either bear with me through the extraordinarily long rambling, or skip down, but take a look, there's a boatload of pics further down)

Cavalry not engaging scourge of war waterloo